We at Aloka General Trading take great pride in the amount of research we have put into finding the finest Sun Control and Energy Saving Window Films manufactured and marketed from around the world.
Our primary focus of this news page is to educate the public on the many wide ranging benefits associated with the proper use of solar control or energy saving window film on glass window panes of buildings and also the dangers associated with unprotected windows that allow in huge amounts of natural sunlight into your space.
Here is an interesting interview which reveals some startling facts released by The International Window Film Association (IWFA), this video has been created by them purely to educate consumers on a global scale, building owners and industry professionals seeking to learn more about the many benefits of window films.
Do remember that Ultraviolet light and Infrared rays are everywhere and will affect you even if you are indoors.
There are many misconceptions associated with window films particularly as the local industry is not sufficiently or properly regulated and as there are several poor quality products being sold by various parties claiming them to be genuine window film products which unfortunately isn’t the case.
Impacting this even further, several of the large recognized and established importers have not taken the necessary steps in educating the general public as we have on guidelines on how they could find the right type of product that does the job specifically suited for their buildings needs, besides the very important fact that window films must always be installed properly by a well trained expert installer to harness the true potential of the product.
We at Aloka like to share this information with you so you know all the important facts on how film is installed and how choosing the right type of film most suited for your building could benefit you immensely while saving you a lot of money on your energy bills.
Aloka has the widest range of window film on offer under one roof with a product range stretching across 9 brands. We are not tied down to one single brand with limited specs, we have nearly 500 options to choose from which obviously brings you the closest fit in finding the right film.
Remember that using the correct type of solar control or energy saving film is just the same as selecting the correct type of sunblock lotion suited for your skin type.
Click the video above to see how quick and easy professional window film installation is, and about the many benefits it has to offer presented by Steve Capoccia on behalf of The International Window Film Association (IWFA), a non profit group that helps consumers learn the ins and outs about the benefits of window film.